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How to Safely Prepare for Black Friday and Cyber Monday in 2020

No other year has been quite like 2020, and as we round the home stretch, we can expect that even traditions like Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales will change dramatically. Just like every other year, preparing for these big shopping days ahead of time can help you save money, avoid holiday debt, and reduce seasonal stress. But it’s more important than ever to have a plan in place to shop safely.

Make a List, Check It Twice

It’s easy to get caught up in shopping-mania and buy things you don’t need during Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales—especially when you’re shopping online. Instead, make a list of people you need to buy for and gift ideas for them. You might make note of details like their favorite colors, home décor style guide and preferences, and, of course, clothing sizes. Set aside some money in your budget for great deals on DIY décor for yourself, too. HalfPriceDrapes makes it easy to stay up-to-date on the latest curtain trends with sales going on through the holiday season.

Check Holiday Shopping Hours

If you plan to shop in stores or take advantage of curbside pick-up, check holiday hours. In recent years, 24/7 service was the name of the game for brick-and-mortar retailers on Thanksgiving weekend. But, according to the website, it looks like many retailers will close for Thanksgiving 2020. So, don’t expect to walk off that turkey with a shopping marathon. Extended hours may not begin as early or last as long for certain retailers, either.

Pack a Bag for In-Person Shopping

If you decide to venture out on Black Friday, be safe. Expect long waits for customer pick-up, so you may want to pack water, some snacks, and a phone charger. If you’re shopping in stores, bring hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, and an extra mask.

Prep Your Smartphone

Download store apps in advance on your home wifi to ensure you have the information you need when you get to the store. Also, take advantage of shopping apps like Rakuten and ShopSavvy to find the best sales near you.

Spread Holiday Cheer

Crowds tend to get cranky on Black Friday, and it’s even more difficult to read people’s expressions behind masks. Give your fellow shoppers the benefit of the doubt. Make it a point to speak loudly and clearly when you wish retail workers happy holidays. It’s not easy to hear behind the plastic partitions. Our essential retail workers have been through a lot this year and deserve our patience, understanding, and gratitude during the holidays, especially. Also, smile as much as possible. Sure, you can’t see a smile behind your mask, but your whole demeanor changes and people can see the smile in your eyes.

Seek Out Online Sales

Better yet, stay home and shop online. Many online retailers will start their Cyber-Monday sales on Black Friday, or even sooner. Join deal groups on Facebook where savvy shoppers share details about the best sales.

Boost Your Internet Speed

If you plan to do the bulk of your shopping online, you’ll want to make sure your home internet connection is up to the challenge. Keep all tabs closed apart from the shopping sites you’re using and try to minimize the number of devices on your network for a smoother online shopping experience. If it’s possible to run cables to your home office, a hard-wired internet connection to your laptop or desktop computer will run faster than wifi.

Don’t Stress If You Miss a Deal

Was that fabulous flash sale over by the time the website loaded? Were your favorite DIY décor items sold out? E-tailers like Half Price Drapes offer savings all season long so you don’t have to stress if you miss Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales. Half Price Drapes is committed to delivering quality curtains and home décor at fair prices every day of the year.


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