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5 Ways to Upgrade Your Home Office

Being lucky enough to work from home has its advantages – including the fact that you can choose what you want your office to look like and how you want it to function. That said, a corporate office has designers who make these decisions for you. If you’re not artistically inclined, it can be difficult to know how to bring everything together. Today Half Price Drapes is here to offer five tips to help you upgrade your home office.

1. Create your own blank slate

You don’t have to spend a lot of time trying to figure out what color to paint your walls. Instead, stick with white, beige, light gray, or another neutral tone. This may seem dull but that’s the point: When you have a blank slate on which to add your own style to, what you add will really be shown off. Choose materials that are durable and weighty.

2. Comfort needs to be a priority

It’s essential that you work on ensuring your space is a cozy space. Why? Because if you don’t, you’ll waste time thinking about how uncomfortable you are. The purpose is also to help you look forward to working. How much work do you think you’ll get done in a day if you’re spending half your time thinking about how you can’t wait to get on your cozy couch?

3. Embrace non-needy nature

Most designers will encourage you to bring in nature but plants can be extremely needy. You have to water them, care for them, and they can get expensive. Instead, choose pieces of driftwood, petrified wood, or even dried cactus. The purpose is to bring in a little of the outside without giving yourself added work in your office.

4. Pay attention to the light

You need the right amount of light to work well. Ideally, your office would have plenty of windows and you could choose window coverings that met its unique needs. For example, you might choose heavy blackout drapes but hang sheer curtains underneath them. This allows you to control how much light comes into your office.

5. Don’t set it and forget it

Once you have the office decorated the way you like, it’s easy to fall into a rut and assume you’re done. Don’t do this. Instead, set a date on your calendar to remove one item and replace it every six months. You do want an office you love but you don’t want it to feel stagnant.


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